Introducing the Equity-Based Decision-Making Framework


Listen to Marc introduce the Equity-Based Decision-Making Framework above.

Over the course of the pandemic we’ve seen communities around the country struggle with how to continue to operate in an equitable way. In order to assist we’ve released the equity-based decision making framework:

The Equity-Based Decision-Making Framework is designed to support communities in implementing the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Response. The purpose of the Framework is to ensure that as homelessness service systems respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, system processes and policies proactively eliminate racial inequalities and advance equity.

This framework takes the concept of equity out of the vague and generic language we often see and makes it concrete. The framework covers practical aspects of government business operations.

As always we at NIS remain dedicated to making sure that leaders have the tools to make better choices and to make sure that there’s accountability when they ignore those tools in favor of white supremacy and oppression.

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