The Framework for an Equitable Covid-19 Homelessness Response

Equity Based Decision Making Assessments


The following assessments and tailored recommendations are designed as a guide to strengthen equity-based decision making. The assessments build on the Equity-Based Decision-Making guidance shared earlier this year, designed for homeless service system administrators and partners, particularly those who have influence in policy and program design, operations, budgeting, technical assistance provision, contracting practices, and human resources processes.

These resources are a part of the suite of tools and guidance released under the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response. The Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response provides guidance to communities on how to use a wide range of federal funding sources, including CARES Act programs, strategically across key public health and economic recovery strategies to meet public health goals, increase housing stability, and prevent future increases in homelessness—all through a racial justice and equity lens.


  1. Select the category most aligned to your work below (policy decisions and strategy; business operations; or hiring operations).

  2. Select one of the assessment links within that area that you would like to check against your current work and receive recommendations for.

  3. This link will take you to the respective assessment which you can then take. Use an average proposal, policy, or decision-making process to answer the assessment questions. Assessments range from 2 to 5 questions and produce a tailored set of recommendations depending on how your current processes implement equity-based decision-making.

  4. Remember to print or save the recommendations page if you find them useful!

The Assessments:

Policy Decisions and Strategy

Take one of the following assessments to receive recommendations on your policy decisions and strategy processes in one of the respective categories:

Business Operations

Take one of the following assessments to receive recommendations on your business operations processes in one of the respective categories:

Hiring Operations

Take one of the following assessments to receive recommendations on your hiring operations processes in one of the respective categories: